Free drum beats to keep you in time


Hi all,

I’ve found that using straight drum tracks instead of a metronome helps my students keep in time better than a metronome.  Why is this?

Metronomes by definition are very clinical and to the untrained ear can be difficult to follow, whereas we listen to drum beats all day long on our iPods, on adverts, in films, TV…

Below are a selection of drum beats in mp3 format for you to download to use in your practice. They increase in speed in increments of 10bpm (beats per minute) so you can start slow and work your way up.

I uploaded these to SoundCloud in 2024 as Squarespace stopped allowing file downloads. Please give me feedback if these work for you.

Happy playing!


Grain & Weave

In home photography and hand-made wall-art, created in Australia.

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